Crimson waxcap Hygrocybe punicea
Crimson waxcap Hygrocybe punicea three fungi growing in grass
Russula growing in pine needles
Wood Blewit Clitocybe nuda
Wood Blewit Clitocybe nuda three purple fungi at different ages
Fungus with underground hyphae
Fungus with hyphae diagram to show caomparative size of a fruting fungus to the enormous network of hyphae and mycelium growing below the ground
Fungus fistulina hepatica
Fungus fistulina hepatica bracket fungus growing on the side of a tree
Pink Meadow Waxcap Cuphophyllus pratensis
Pink Meadow Waxcap Hygrocybe pratensis growing in grassland
Parasol Macrolepiota procera
Parasol Macrolepiota procera two fungi showing different cap shapes relating to age and the annulus
Agaricus campestris
Agaricus campestris Big illustration of the underside of a field mushroom with stipe removed, with a younger mushroom with pinker gills ontop
Edible fungus species
Edible fungi an array of seven edible species including the parasol, wood blewit, russula, ink cap, and chanterelle
Fly agaric Amanita muscaria
Fly agaric Amanita muscaria fungus with stem, soil on the stipe base, and scales on the scarlet cap
Amethyst deceiver Laccaria amethystina
Amethyst deceiver Laccaria amethystina clump growing on moss and dead woos and in different stages of growth
Mildew on rose
Leaves and bud and flower of a rose covered wuith powdery mildew and mould, and causing discolouration of the leaves
Woodland landscape for best practice management
Snipe flying across a ride clearing in woodland with forestry behind showing how to manage and harvest trees and related prodcuts such as charcoal, coppicing and timber; a distant pool and alder carr gives way to clear fell forestry on distant hills and patchy clearings; in the foreground wild flowers and butterflies are shown growing […]