four wings
Six spot burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae life cycle
Small Chocolate tip moth Clostera pigra
Small Copper Lycanae phlaeas Butterfly
Small Heath Butterfly Coenonympha pamphilus
Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary butterfly Boloria selene
Small tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais urticae life cycle
Small tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais urticae
Speckled Wood butterfly Pararge aegeria
Swallowtail butterfly Papilio machaon
Large striped swordtail Graphium antheus
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta life cycle with food plant Tobacco
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta caterpillar life stages
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta moth
Tobacco horn worm Manduca caterpillar and food palnt
White admiral Limenitis camilla butterfly and caterpillar
Black hairstreak butterfly Satyrium pruni
Large Emerald moth Geometra papilionaria
Emerald swallowtail Papilio Palinurus
Emperor moth Saturnia pavonia female
Grayling butterfly Hipparchia semele
Green Hairstreak Callophrys rubi butterfly
Hummingbird Hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum on Nicotinia flower
Large blue butterfly Maculinea arion
Large Copper Lycaena dispar butterfly