Sketchbook study of Bridewort Spiraea salicifolia
Sketchbook study of Bridewort Spiraea salicifolia showing details of the plant and flowers
Bridewort Spiraea salicifolia study sheet
Bridewort Spiraea salicifolia study sheet with written notes showing plant, habit sketch, and details of flower
Bridewort Spiraea salicifolia
Bridewort Spiraea salicifolia botanical illustration showing flowering spike and leaves
Field fleawort Tephroseris intergrifolia
Field fleawort Tephroseris intergrifolia showing basal rosette and furry characteristics
Old Man’s Beard Clematis vitalba
Old Man’s Beard Clematis vitalba sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Hares-foot clover Trifolium arvense
Hares-foot clover Trifolium arvense with detail of one flower and calyx
Aspen Populus tremuloides tree
Aspen tree showing habit and growth form
Long tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus
Long tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus on hawthorn and bramble
White tailed bumblebee Bombus lucorum on a thistle head
White tailed bumble bee Bombus lucorum nestled in the florets of a thislte head
White tailed bumblebee Bombus lucorum life cycle
White tailed bumble bee Bombus lucorum life cycle showing adult feeding, underground nest, feeding on thistle, feeding on foxglove, egg, emerging from egg,
Bumblebee home 2
Wildlife home diagram for a bumblebee nest showing a wooden box full of hay or straw, in a hole under a stone with a pipe for access
Bumblebee home
Wildlife home diagram for a bumblebee nest with an inverted flower pop and a length of hose pipe as the entryway
White tailed bumblebee Bombus lucorum
White tailed bumble bee Bombus lucorum showing fluffy hairs and stripes, wings outstretched, cut to white
Reedmace Typha latifolia rhizome
Reedmace Typha latifolia rhizome detail with roots and vegetative shoot growing from a rhizome
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria Pencil
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria pencil drawing
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria 2
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria flowers and one leaflet
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria
Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria in flower
Kidney vetch Anthyllis vulneraria
Kidney vetch Anthyllis vulneraria with flowers emerging from fluffy calyx
Horseshoe vetch Hippocrepis comosa
Horseshoe vetch Hippocrepis comosa with wiggly seed poda and yellow flowers
Hemlock Water dropwort Oenanthe crocata
Hemlock Water dropwort Oenanthe crocata with details of the roots, of an individual leaf, and of one flower and one fruit
Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum
Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum with cross section of stem and lead along with several flowering spikes details
Greater reedmace Typha latifolia 2
Greater reedmace Typha latifolia flowering spike
Greater reedmace Typha latifolia
Greater reedmace Typha latifolia flowering head in pencil, also sometimes know (wrongly) as bull rush
False oat grass Arrhenatherum elatius
False oat grass Arrhenatherum elatius with ligule, spikelet and lemma detail including info on the elongate bent awns