Germinating seed diagram
Germinating seed from a grain through six stages to show how the cotelydon leaves emerge and the roots grow

Fungus with underground hyphae
Fungus with hyphae diagram to show caomparative size of a fruting fungus to the enormous network of hyphae and mycelium growing below the ground

Vascular vs non vasular plants diagram
Vascular vs non vasular plants diagram including information on the cross section of a flower and a detail of a moss sporophyte and gametophyte and cross sections on a cellular level of a moss and a harebell stem

Flower cross section diagram
Flower parts anatomy cross section showing stamens and gynoecium

Parts of a flower diagram
Parts of a flower diagram from the side and above, showing sepals, petals, stamen, and pistil

Schematic of a flower
Schematic of a flower in colour showing petals, calyx, stamen and pistil

Disc floret
Disc floret diagram with seed attached and stamens and pistil on show

Dichasial cyme
Dichasial cyme diagram showing the pattern of this flowering form

Alternate leaves diagram
Alternate leaves diagram showing a sprig of ash and a less closely packed example

Dead leaf decomposition
Dead leaves rotting and decomposing into compost from newly fallen to decomposed and down to small leaf patricles like compost

Bulbil diagram
Bulbil diagram showing how it emerges at the junction of the stem and leaf

Diagram of a bract
Diagram of a bract with little flower growing from behind the bract

Abscission diagram
Abscission diagram showing ho w the abscission layer lets the leaf fall off without exposing the plant to pathogens

Auxin and growth diagram
Auxin diagram showing how applying auxin to the top of a plant encourages vertical rather than lateral growth