Bittern Botaurus stellaris
Bittern Botaurus stellaris cut to white showing cryptic colouring and large beak and legs
Swift Apus apus
Swift Apus apus parent visiting its nest in the eaves of a brick barn
House martin Delichon urbicum
House martin Delichon urbicum at nest in the eaves
House martin Delichon urbicum in flight
House martin Delichon urbicum in flight showing tail and wing shape
Swift Apus apus in flight
Swift Apus apus in flight showing sickle shaped wings and dark stomach
Swift Apus apus and House martin Delichon urbicum in flight
Swift Apus apus and House martin Delichon urbicum comparison of the two birds in flight
Nesting tower for swifts, martins, and bats
Nesting tower for swifts, martins, & bats diagram showing the slots for bats, curved slits for swifts and nests for martins
Fieldfare Turdus pilaris with hawthorn berry
Fieldfare Turdus pilaris with hawthorn berry sitting on branch
Fieldfare pair Turdus pilaris in hawthorn tree
Fieldfare pair Turdus pilaris in hawthorn tree with one eating a berry.
Tawny owl Strix aluco
Tawny owl Strix aluco sat on a branch, showing mottled plumage and large eyes.
Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca
Male Pied flycatcher in amongst leaves of the English oak Quercus robur
Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata
Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata perched on a gravestone, eating a beetle. Completed for Cusop Churchyard nature panel.
Redwing Turdus iliacus
Redwing Turdus iliacus perched on a branch, with a berry in its beak
Comparison of Beak use in Darwin’s Finches
Comparison of Beak use in Darwin’s Finches. Stippled illustration showing singing, feeding, and preening.
Beak comparison in Darwin’s finches
Beak comparison in Darwin’s finches showing use feeding, singing, and preening. Line drawing.
Singing Darwins Finch Geospiza fuliginosa
Singing Darwin’s Finch Geospiza fulginosa showing beak in use.
Singing Darwins Finch Geospiza fuliginosa
Singing Darwins Finch Geospiza fuliginosa. Line drawing showing Galapagos finch and beak use.
Bird preening Darwins Finch Geospiza magnirostris
Bird preening Darwins Finch Geospiza magnirostris line drawing showing the beak in use in parasite removal
Preening Darwin’s Finch Geospiza magnirostris
Preening Darwins Finch Geospiza magnirostris line drawing showing the beak in use in parasite removal
Darwins Finch Geospiza magnirostris eating a Tribulus seed
Darwins Finch Geospiza magnirostris with Tribulus seed. Stippled illustration showing beak adaptability.
Short-eared owl Asio flammeus
Short-eared owl Asio flammeus in heather
Scarlet macaw Ara macao
Scarlet macaw Ara macao pen and ink illustration with colour top wash. Illustration from “The Hidden Universe” by Alex Antonelli.
Two Little stint Calidris minuta
Two Little stint Calidris minuta in summer plumage on shoreline
Little stint Calidris minuta
Little stint Calidris minuta in summer plumage