Potato Solanum tuberosum vs Sweet potato pomoea batatas tuber diagram
Potato Solanum tuberosum vs Sweet potato pomoea batatas tuber diagram
Sweet woodruff Asperula odorata
Sweet woodruff Asperula odorata with cross section of stem and seeds and flowers on the plant
Sweetcorn Zea mays
Sweetcorn Zea mays plant
Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus
Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus leaves with winged fruit amd flowers
Tall fescue Festuca arundinaceae
Tall fescue Festuca arundinaceae with ligule spikelet and lemma details
Teasing Georgia Rose
Teasing Georgia Rose, cream flower with buds and fully flowering bloom
Three leaved rush Juncus trifidus
Three leaved rush Juncus trifidus and habit sketch and fruit detail
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum and Hornworm Manduca sexta
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum plant in flower showing limited caterpillar damage and Hornworm Manduca sexta on leaf, cut to white, and egg, pupa, and adult Carolina sphinx moth
Toothwort Lathrea squamaria
Toothwort Lathrea squamaria flower with lack of chlorophyll explaining its parasitic life style
Tor grass Brachypodium pinnatum
Tor grass Brachypodium pinnatum with ligule, spikelet, and lemma detail
Tormentil Potentilla erecta
Tormentil Potentilla erecta plant showing both shapes of leaves
Diagram of schematic tree
Diagram of schematic tree, very simplified colour wash over pen and ink showing how the root system is as large as the tree above ground
Red clover Trifolium pratensis
Red clover Trifolium pratensis plant
True fox sedge Carex vulpina
True fox sedge Carex vulpina tussock
Tubular water dropwort Oenanthe fistulosa
Tubular water dropwort Oenanthe fistulosa in amongst grasses with flowering head and seed head, and showing the stem swelling as well as leaves
Silver birch Betula pendula
Silver birch Betula pendula pen and ink tree shape without leaves
Silver birch Betula pendula trees vignette
Silver birch Betula pendula trees vignette
Silver Birch Betula pendula twig and leaf
Silver Birch Betula pendula twig with buds and catkins and leaf
Silver Birch Betula pendula 2
Silver Birch Betula pendula tree shape without leaves, close up of bark, and sprig with leaves and catkins
Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton americanus
Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton americanus pencil drawing
Slender St Johns Wort Hypericum pulchrum 2
Slender St Johns Wort Hypericum pulchrum
Slender St Johns Wort Hypericum pulchrum
Slender St Johns Wort Hypericum pulchrum showing red basal leaves and details of the calyx
Small scabious Scabiosa columbaria
Small scabious Scabiosa columbaria with flower detail and showing vegetative growth along a stolon
Snakeshead fritillary Fritillaria meleagris
Snakeshead fritillary Fritillaria meleagris flowers