Musk mallow Malva mochata
Musk mallow Malva mochata with detail of lower leaf which is rounder than those higher on the plant
Garlic mustard or Jack by the hedge Alliaria petiolata
Garlic mustard or Jack by the hedge Alliaria petiolata pen and ink line drawing
Bristly ox-tongue Helminthotheca echioides
Bristly ox-tongue Helminthotheca echioides (formerly Picris echiodes)
Wild carrot Daucus carota
Wild carrot Daucus carota with leaves, flowering head, and distinctive growth habit
Vipers Bugloss Echium vulgare
Vipers Bugloss Echium vulgare flowering spike
Somerset redstreak apple Malus domestica
Somerset redstreak apple Malus domestica with apple blossom, leaves, and two ripe apples
Seaside centuary Centaurium littorale
Seaside centuary Centaurium littorale growing on a dune
Shining cranesbill Geranium lucidum
Shining cranesbill Geranium lucidum with scarlet leaves, flowers, and seedheds
Red campion Silene dioica
Red campion Silene dioica with buds and hairy stem
Parsley Petroselinum crispum
Parsley Petroselinum crispum sprig and sprig with bud
Mallow Malvus sylvestris
Mallow Malvus sylvestris with detail of donut shaped seed ring and lone seed
Marsh Thistle Cirsium palustre
Marsh Thistle Cirsium palustre with basal rosette of leaves and erect stem with tight cluster of thistle flowers
Hemlock Conium maculatum
Hemlock Conium maculatum showing spotted ste, umbels, male flower detail, individual fruit, and the leaves
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata
Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata with flowers and fruiting pods
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea with bumble bee
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea individual flower with white tailed bumble bee inside
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea plant