Pansy or Viola x wittrockiana
Pansy or Viola x wittrockiana sketchbook study of winter garden plant
Bracken Pteridium aquilinum
Bracken Pteridium aquilinum showing leaf fronds, roots, and inrolled leaf margins with sori
Variegated geranium leaf
Variegated geranium leaf, Geranium Mrs Pollock, showing Zonal colouration and pigment variegation, including area of red anthocyanin.
Building a raised bed 2
How to build a raised bed from planks showing attachments of horizontal planks to the vertical uprights, and how to secure the bed in the ground
Sweetcorn Zea mays
Sweetcorn Zea mays plant
Ladies bedstraw Galium verum
Ladies bedstraw Galium verum with yellow flowers and leaf rosettes
Black eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta
Black eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta with three blooms, one in flower, one in bud, and one going over
Corner of a raised bed
Corner of a raised bed showing how to attach the plants to one another when building the bed
Building a raised bed
How to build a raised bed from planks showing attachments of horizontal planks to the vertical uprights, and how to secure the bed in the ground