Adonis Blue butterfly Polyommatus bellargus and Carthusian carnation Dianthus carthusianous
Adonis Blue butterfly Polyommatus bellargus and Carthusian carnation Dianthus carthusianous
Common or Peleides blue morpho butterfly
Common or Peleides blue morpho butterfly Morpho peleides with colour top wash. Butterfly is on a leaf with magnified detail of the structure of the wing scales. These ridges cause iridescence. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books).
Chequered skipper Carterocephalus palaemon butterfly
Chequered skipper Carterocephalus palaemon butterfly illustration. Illustration ties in with the Rockingham forest “Back from the Brink” conservation project, led by Butterfly Conservation. It is also the subject of an online illustration workshop.
White Admiral Limenitis camilla
White Admiral Limenitis camilla butterflies with view of upper and lower wing, feeding on blackberry flowers
Deaths head hawkmoth Acherontia atropos
Deaths head hawkmoth Acherontia atropos cut to white showing skull pattern on thorax
Comma butterfly Polygonia c-album
Comma butterfly Polygonia c-album from above and from side cut to white
Forester moth Adscita statices
Forester moth Adscita statices with folded wings on a scabious flower, showin1g black colour and glittery irridescence of the wings
Heath fritillary butterfly Melitaea athalia
Heath fritillary butterfly Melitaea athalia on cowwheat with speedwell, one in flight and one showing folded underwings
Red necked footman Atolmis rubricollis
Red necked footman Atolmis rubricollis on cuckoo flower Cardamine with black wings folded and scarlet red collar on view
Silver washed fritillary butterfly Argynnis paphia
Silver washed fritillary butterfly Argynnis paphia cut to white one with folded wings one in flight, feeding on scabious flowers
Small tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais urticae 2
Small tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais urticae cut to white
Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus and meadow brown aniola jurtina butterfly
Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus and meadow brown aniola jurtina butterfly in amongst grasses in a meadow, some in flight, with with upper wings on show and some showing under wings
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta life cycle with food plant Tobacco
Tobacco horn worm Manduca sexta life cyle with Tobacco plant showing all the life stages including egg, pupa, caterpillar, and adult moth
Speckled Wood butterfly Pararge aegeria
Speckled Wood butterfly Pararge aegeria cut to white
Scarlet tiger moth Callimorpha dominula
Scarlet tiger moth Callimorpha dominula on birds foot trefoil Lotus corniculata plant
Small Copper Lycanae phlaeas Butterfly
Small Copper Lycanae phlaeas Butterfly cut to white
Six spot burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae life cycle
Six spot burnet moth Zygaena filipendulae showing food plants Birds foot trefoil Lotus corniculata and all the life stages of the life cycle including the yellow spotted with black caterpillar and amazing paper cocoons then dramatic moth with black and red wings, along with the papery cocoon wihcih is attached to tall stems of grasses
Silver Y Moth Autographa gamma life cycle
Silver Y Moth Autographa gamma lifecycle showing caterpillar, silk cocoon, adult and egg arranged around the round leaved mint food plant
Monarch Danaus plexippus butterfly
Monarch Danaus plexippus butterfly cut to white
Red admiral Vanessa atalanta
Red admiral Vanessa atalanta cut to white
Purple emperor butterfly Apatura ilia
Purple emperor butterfly Apatura ilia cut to white
Peacock butterfly Aglais io
Peacock butterfly Aglais io cut to white
Painted lady Vanessa cardui butterfly with host plant thistle and life cycle stages
Painted lady Vanessa cardui butterfly with host plant Spear thistleCirsium spc and life cycle stages
Emerald swallowtail Papilio Palinurus
Emerald swallowtail Papilio Palinurus cut to white showing irridescent green spots and black wings