Lilac tree Syringa vulgaris
Lilac Syringa vulgaris tree pen and ink. Illustration shows the tree in full bloom.
Magnolia tree Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia tree Magnolia grandiflora tree pen and ink with colour wash. Illustration shows the tree in flower, before the leaves appear.
Magnolia tree Magnolia grandiflora
Magnolia Magnolifia gradiflora tree, showing the tree in full flower, before the leaves appear.
Guelder rose shrub Viburnum opulus
Guelder rose shrub Viburnum opulus pen and ink with watercolour wash. Illustration shows the shrub in bloom.
Guelder rose tree Viburnum opulus
Guelder rose tree Viburnum opulus. Illustration shows the shrub in blossom.
Medlar tree Mespilus germanica tree
Medlar Mespilus germanica tree pen and ink with colour wash. Illustration shows tree with fruit.
Medlar tree Mespilus germanica tree
Medlar Mespilus germanica tree pen and ink. Illustration shows tree in fruit
Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina
Staghorn sumac Rhus typhina tree pen and ink with colour wash
Staghorn Sumac tree Rhus typhina
Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina tree, with pinnate leaves and furry fruit pen and ink botanical illustration.
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana in bloom in winter. Illustration shows snow on the ground, and twigs visible.
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana in bloom in winter. Illustration shows snow on the ground, and twigs visible.
Plum tree Prunus domestica
Plum Prunus domestica tree pen and ink with colour wash
Peach tree Prunus persica tree
Peach tree Prunus persica tree in fruit showing tree form and peaches on branches and on ground.
Peach tree Prunus persica
Peach tree Prunus persica tree in fruit showing tree form and peaches on branches and on ground.
Brass Buttons Cotula coronopifolia Sketchbook study
Brass Buttons or Buttonweed Cotula coronopifolia with habit sketch, detail of flowering head, and amplexicaul leaf details. Seeds and seed distribution, along with the variety of leaf forms are also shown.
Wild Parsnip Pastinaca sativa sketchbook study
Wild Parsnip Pastinaca sativa sketchbook study. Illustration shows comparison with the cultivated parsnip plant, Pastinaca sativa sativa. It also includes details on the petiole, flower, umbel, seed head, seeds, and root.
Caucasian Stonecrop Sedum spurius
Caucasian Stonecrop Sedum spurius sketchbook study. Illustration shows details of plant, flowers, a habit sketch, and an individual flower. Also includes details of the leaf edge, and Sedum spurius purpurea plant (Dragon’s blood sedum).
Siberian Stonecrop Phedimus hybridus sketchbook study
Siberian Stonecrop Phedimus hybridus or Sedum hybridum sketchbook study with habit, flower detail and cross section, seed and fruit detail.
Dwarf Pine subspecies cone comparison of Pinus mugo uncinata Pinus mugo rotundata and Pinus mugo mugo
Dwarf Pine subspecies cone and individual cone scale tip comparison. Species compared are Pinus mugo uncinata, Pinus mugo rotundata, and Pinus mugo mugo
Rum or Black Cherry Prunus serotina sketchbook study
Rum or Black Cherry Prunus serotina sketchbook study. The page includes two bark studies (from an old and young tree), the habit of tree, and berry details. The bud, individual flower, blossoming raceme, vein detail and petiole gland details are also depicted.
Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Oak apple galls formed by Cynips quercusfollii gall wasps on twigs of the English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur. Illustrations shows mature gall, formed from acorn embryonic tissue thanks to the gall wasp
Bouquet with Rose
Bouquet with rose, goldenrod, hepatica, and black-eyed susan flowers
Mint Mentha
Mint sprig showing flowers and growth pattern.