China mark moth damage
Water lily leaf showing damage from caterpillars of china mark moth who nibble the edges of the leaves and make folded floating ods from the leaves. Blue water background and inset detail of the caterpillar,
Rosemary beetle
Rosemary beetles on rosemary showing metallic markings, cut to white
Mildew on rose
Leaves and bud and flower of a rose covered wuith powdery mildew and mould, and causing discolouration of the leaves
Daisy Bellis perennis 2
Daisy Bellis perennis Completed for FSC “Discover Wildflowers” fold out identification guide
Daisy Bellis perennis
Daisy Bellis perennis with ray and disc floret detail Completed for FSC “Discover Wildflowers” fold out identification guide
Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia study sheet
Black locust or False acacia Robinia pseudoacacia study sheet
Notes & illustrations of False acacia
Notes & illustration of False acacia or Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia with details of flower and pods
Amelanchier spicata Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study sheet
Amelanchier spicata Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study sheet
Notes & Illustrations on Japanese beetle
Notes & illustrations on the Japanese beetle Popillia japonica study sheet showing life stages and damage
Study sheet on Japanese beetle Popillia japonica
Study sheet on Japanese beetle Popillia japonica showing adult, life cycle, and variety of damage caused by this pest
Xylella fastidiosa bacteria and damage
Xylella fastidiosa bacteria and damage illustrations
Xylella fastidiosa bacteria sheet
Xylella fastidiosa bacteria sketchbook sheet with notes
Text and illustrations Plum weevil Conotrachelus nenuphar
Text and illustrations Plum weevil Conotrachelus nenuphar and associated damage
Sheet on Plum weevil Conotrachelus
Sheet on Plum weevil sheet Conotrachelus nenuphar and associated damage to fruit
Oviposition scars from Plum weevil
Oviposition scars in typical crescent shape on apple from Plum weevil Conotrachelus nenuphar
Grub of Plum weevil Conotrachelus nenuphar
Grub of Plum weevil Conotrachelus nenuphar within a cherry
Apple damaged by Plum weevil
Apple damaged by Plum weevil Conotrachelus nenuphar showing oviposition scars, bumps, maggot holes, damage and rot.
Leaf damage from Japanese beetle Popillia japonica
Leaf damage from Japanese beetle Popillia japonica with skeletal leaf and clustering beetles
Adult Japanese beetle Popillia japonica
Adult Japanese beetle Popillia japonica with distinctive abdominal white tufts
Japanese beetle Popillia japonica adult and life stages
Japanese beetle Popillia japonica adult and life stages, with egg, grub or larva, and pupa
False acacia Robinia pseudoacacia
False acacia or Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia with flower and seed pod detail
Adult Apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella on apple
Adult Apple maggot Rhagoletis pomonella on apple damaged by oviposition scars and maggots
Harebell Campanula rotundifolia
Harebell illustration, slightly idealised and with extra blooms, completed for a packaging job.
Wood melick Melica uniflora
Wood melick Melica uniflora with detail of ligule and individual floret