Aphid on rose
Aphid on rose showing damage done to youg leaves and an aphid in side view, cut to white
stem of a rose with the effects of canker being lesion, discolouration, yellowing and weakening of the plant
Trough of ferns
Stone trough planted with a variety of ferns as a garden feature, cut to white
Garden tool rack
Building a garden tool rack with spaces for garden forks, half moon, edgeing tool, shears, edging clippes, in a garden on a patio
Hellebore black death symptoms
Picture showing black death virus effects on a hellebore flower and on the leaves
Leaf with fungal wilt
Leaf showing signs of fungal wilt with infected branch behind; the leaf is discoloured and wilted
Bark beetle damage
Spruce Bark beetle Ips typographus inset illustration against a background showing maternal and larval galleries in bark
Pinching out a Busy Lizzie
Hand picnhing out the growing tip of a busy lizzie plant to encourage lateral growth
Plants with red foliage in a pot
Large grey or metal pot full of growing plants with red flowers and foliage making for a centre pice or point of focus in the garden
Pruning bamboo
Garden with plastic sheet on the grass catching the bamboo cuttings which are being taken off the potted plants with secateurs. Dead leaves piled up and blue sky behind
Rocket seedlings
Little rocket seedlings growing in a seedling tray in compost, ready to be thinned out or planted on