African daisy Gerbera
African daisy Gerbera close up of an orange flower
Germinating seed diagram
Germinating seed from a grain through six stages to show how the cotelydon leaves emerge and the roots grow
Giant Fescue Festuca gigantea
Giant Fescue Festuca gigantea with spikelet, lemma and amplexicaul ligule
Vascular vs non vasular plants diagram
Vascular vs non vasular plants diagram including information on the cross section of a flower and a detail of a moss sporophyte and gametophyte and cross sections on a cellular level of a moss and a harebell stem
Fly agaric Amanita muscaria
Fly agaric Amanita muscaria fungus with stem, soil on the stipe base, and scales on the scarlet cap
Edible fungus species
Edible fungi an array of seven edible species including the parasol, wood blewit, russula, ink cap, and chanterelle
Desert rose Adenium obesum
Desert rose Adenium obesum plant with flowers and swollen stem
Dog Rose Rosa canina
Dog Rose Rosa canina with rose hip and two flowers as well as leaflets and thorned stem
Early dog violet Viola reichenbachiana
Early dog violet Viola reichenbachiana with several flowers, and opne seed pod, and showing the basal growth
Early purple orchid Orchis mascula
Early purple orchid Orchis mascula with purple flowers and spotted leaves
Cow parsley Anthriscus sylvestris
Cow parsley Anthriscus sylvestris with individual flower details and showing hollow stem along with umbels and seeds
Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense
Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense showing basal rosette and several thistle flowers
Cucumber Cucumis sativus
Cucumber Cucumis sativus pencil drawing showing three types of cucumber along with leaves, flower, and tendrils
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale
Dandelion Taraxacum officinale with root, flower, bud, and dandelion clock along with individual flower and individual seed detail
Common Cottongrass Eriophorum angustifolium
Common Cottongrass Eriophorum angustifolium showing red leaf tip and stem cross section as well as entire plant
Common Nettle Urtica dioica
Common Nettle Urtica dioica plant in flower
Common spotted orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii
Common spotted orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii with spotted leaves and flowers on show
Cedar of Lebanon Cedrus libani
Cedar of Lebanon Cedrus libani growing amongst other non evergreen trees
Cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata
Cocksfoot Dactylis glomerata with details of ligule, stem cross section, spikelet and roots
Bottle sedge Carex rostrata
Bottle sedge Carex rostrata showing flowers, fruits, ligule, seeds, and glumes as well as the pinkish basal area
Broccoli Brassica oleracea italica
Broccoli Brassica oleracea italica pencil study showing edible head and a few leaves
Bitter vetch Lathyrus linifolius
Bitter vetch Lathyrus linifolius showing purple flowers and pods both ripe and brown and earlier on, still green. Tendrils and winged stem shown clearly along with paied leaves
Ash dieback symptoms Fraxinus excelsior Chalaria
Ash dieback symptoms Fraxinus excelsior Chalaria showing damaged inside of wood, damage on bark, little white fungal bodies, withered leaves on the branch, and individuall diseased leaf, the tree with exposed branches due to die back and a branch with siwtheres fronds of leaves on it
Autumn crocus Colchicum autumnale
Autumn crocus Colchicum autumnale two flowers and leaf