Original Illustrations for sale
Unframed Original Plant Illustrations
Signed unframed and unmounted illustrations.
Protected in cellophane but without mount or backing.
Sizes are approximate
Postage & packaging costs not included.
Email Lizzie on info@lizzieharper.co.uk to enquire further.
Apple Malus domestica tree
Bush tea or Quickstick Gliricidia sepium
Chinese bramble Rubus tricolor
Common polypody Polypodium vulgare
Guelder rose Viburnum opulus leaf and fruit
Half apple and apple Malus
Hedge Bindweed
Moss Common Hair moss
Nootka lupin sketchbook study with notes
Persian Hogweed Heracleum persicum sketchbook study page
Sea bindweed
Sea pea
Snowberry Sketchbook Study Symphoricarpos albus
Spring squill
Wall Bellflower sketchbook study
Wall or Dalmatian bellflower Campanula portenschlagiana
Water soldier Stratiotes aloides
Yellow horned poppy
Acacia Acacia nilotica tree
Alder Alnus glutinosa leaf catkins and cones
Alder buckthorn
Almond Prunus dulcis tree
Aloe vera