Aquatic Life Information Board
For Powys County Council 2024Aquatic life information board featuring illustrations and information on aquatic fish, insects, and amphibians
Southway Housing Trust Seeds & Berries Nature Board
Goldfinch and Teasel illustrations for use on nature garden interpretation boardGoldfinch and Teasel illustrations for use on nature garden interpretation board, other illustrations by different illustrators also figure.
LoveLincsPlants Series of Interpretation panels
Lowland Heathland and Acid grassland, and Limestone Grassland PanelsLoveLincsPlants Series of Interpretation panels. Lowland Heathland and Acid grassland, and Limestone Grassland habitats. Botanical illustrations by Lizzie Harper feature throughout. Shropshire Gill’s Pool Interpretation Panel
Our own Dipping PoolDiscover Shropshire Gill’s Pool Interpretation Panel. Featuring natural history and botanical illustrations by Lizzie Harper
St. Michaels Church Cefnllys Interpretation Panel
Wildlife around St. Michaels ChurchSt. Michaels Church Cefnllys Interpretation Panel detailing wildlife and plants around the church. Illustrations of butterflies, birds and plants by Lizzie used on the panel. Zoo Meerkat enclosure – ZSL
Illustrations for London Zoo Meerkat enclosureThree illustrations for London Zoo showing a meerkat acting sentry, a mother meerkat nursing her young, and a meerkat sunbathing