Greater Bird’s-foot trefoil Lotus pendunculatus
Greater Bird’s-foot trefoil Lotus pendunculatus or Lotus uliginosus with calyx detail
Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis
Lesser Hawkbit Leontodon saxatilis with details of pappas types on two different achenes
Yellow Loosestrife Lysimachia punctata
Yellow Loosestrife Lysimachia punctata sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Giant Goldenrod Solidago gigantea
Giant Goldenrod Solidago gigantea sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Narrow-leaved Ragwort Senecio inaequidens
Narrow-leaved Ragwort Senecio inaequidens sketchbook study sheet, showing details of plant
Bird’s-foot Trefoil Lotus corniculatus
Completed for Butterfly Conservation. The plant shows flowers and seed pods.
Chrysanthemum flower Pom-pom
Chrysanthemum flower Pom-pom, a single flower with golden petal colour.
Yellow waterlily Nuphar luteum
Yellow waterlily Nuphar luteum floating on water with developing “brandy bottle” seed flask
Eudicot plant variety
Eudicot plant variety. Plants illustrated are: , Ivy-leaved bellflower Wahlenbergia hederacea, Hawkweed Hieracium, Meadow saxifrage Saxifraga granulata, Globe flower Trollius europaeus, Wood Bitter-vetch Vicia orobus, and the Welsh Poppy Meconopsis cambrica.
White & Yellow waterlily Nymphaea alba & Nuphar luteum comparison
White & Yellow waterlily Nymphaea alba & Nuphar luteum comparison, shown in water.
Welsh poppy sketch Meconopsis cambrica
Welsh poppy sketch Meconopsis cambrica showing bud and yellow flower in bloom
Hawkweed sketch Hieracium species
Hawkweed sketch Hieracium showing basal rosette and dandelion-like flowers
Globe flower sketch Trollius europaeus
Globe flower sketch Trollius europaeus showing characteristic closed flower shape.
Eudicot plant variety with eudicot seedling
Eudicot plant variety with eudicot seedling. Plants illustrated are: Ivy-leaved bellflower Wahlenbergia hederacea, Hawkweed Hieracium, Meadow saxifrage Saxifraga granulata, Globe flower Trollius europaeus, Wood Bitter-vetch Vicia orobus, and Welsh Poppy Meconopsis cambrica.
Mouse-ear Hawkweed Pilosella officinarum
Mouse-ear Hawkweed Pilosella officinarum with stolon and basal rosette
Bog Asphodel Narthecium ossifragum
Bog Asphodel Narthecium ossifragum for identification chart
Water primrose Ludwigia grandiflora
Water primrose Ludwigia grandiflora showing submerged and emergent leaves. For FSC.
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana in bloom in winter. Illustration shows snow on the ground, and twigs visible.
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana
Witch-hazel tree Hamamelis virginiana in bloom in winter. Illustration shows snow on the ground, and twigs visible.
Witch-hazel Hamamelis virginiana
Witch hazel Hamamelis virginiana sprig and individual flower
Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton americanus sketchbook study
Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton americanus sketchbook study page showing detail of flower and plant
Skunk Cabbage habit drawing
Skunk Cabbage habit drawing showing a clump of plants with distinctive yellow spathes
Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton amaericanus leaf
Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton maericanus graphite drawing leaf with person to show scale
Quince Cydonia oblonga fruit
Quince Cydonia oblonga fruit and half fruit with one leaf