Otter Lutra lutra 2
Otter Lutra lutra in amongst reeds and in a patch of clear mud, startled and looking at the viewer, showing webbed feet and pale chin and chest

Otter Lutra lutra 3
Otter Lutra lutra in profile in a reed bed

Otter Lutra lutra 4
Otter Lutra lutra eating a brown trout, fur wet, in profile, cut to white

Otter Lutra lutra 5
Otter Lutra lutra watercolour sketch

Otter Lutra lutra 6
Otter Lutra lutra tracks footprints in pen and ink

Otter Lutra lutra 7
Otter Lutra lutra perched on a boulder with a fish it’s just caught, ferns mud and a little folaige behind

Otter Lutra lutra
Otter Lutra lutra perched on a boulder with a fish it’s just caught, ferns mud and a little folaige behind