Comparison of Beak use in Darwin’s Finches
Comparison of Beak use in Darwin’s Finches. Stippled illustration showing singing, feeding, and preening.
Beak comparison in Darwin’s finches
Beak comparison in Darwin’s finches showing use feeding, singing, and preening. Line drawing.
Singing Darwins Finch Geospiza fuliginosa
Singing Darwin’s Finch Geospiza fulginosa showing beak in use.
Singing Darwins Finch Geospiza fuliginosa
Singing Darwins Finch Geospiza fuliginosa. Line drawing showing Galapagos finch and beak use.
Darwins Finch Geospiza magnirostris eating a Tribulus seed
Darwins Finch Geospiza magnirostris with Tribulus seed. Stippled illustration showing beak adaptability.
Darwin’s Finch Geospiza magnirostris with Tribulus seed
Darwin’s Finch Geospiza magnirostris with Tribulus seed (line drawing)
House sparrow Passer domesticus Male
House sparrow Passer domesticus. Male in profile, pen and ink with colour wash
Tree sparrow Passer montanus Male
Tree sparrow Passer montanus Male diagram in pen and ink with colour wash
Gull Larus wing anatomy
Gull Larus wing anatomy to show the feathers and markings
Gull Larus head anatomy
Gull Larus head anatomy simplified diagram to help show structures of note
Gull Larus in flight anatomy
Gull Larus in flight anatomy simplified to show structures of note in this family of seabirds
Gull Larus body anatomy
Gull Larus body anatomy showing features to look out for when the bird is at rest
House sparrow Passes domesticus Female
House sparrow Passes domesticus Female pen and ink diagram with watercolour top wash
House sparrow Passer domesticus
House sparrow Passer domesticus male perching on a branch with rosehips.
Barn swallow Hirundo rustica in flight
Barn swallow Hirundo rustica in flight, seen from below, with a small insect in its beak
Barn swallow Hirundo rustica
Barn swallow Hirundo rustica viewed from above with small insect in its beak
Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula on flowering cherry
Male bullfinch in breeding plumage on flowering cherry
Takahe Porphyrio hochstetteri
Takahe Porphyrio hochstetteri with one foot raised sjowing amazing colourful plumage
Tawny Owlets Strix aluco
Tawny Owlets Strix aluco sitting clustered together on a branch covered in grey down feathers
Teal Anas crecca
Teal Anas crecca showing elaborate beautiful plumage
Thrush Turdus philomelos
Thrush Turdus philomelos nesting in a garden shed amongst gardeing gloves, string, and flower pots
Thrush Turdus philomelos 2
Thrush Turdus philomelos amongst grass and meadow flowers, cut to white
Tree sparrow Passer montanus
Tree sparrow Passer montanus male on a branch
Treecreeper Certhia familiaris
Treecreeper Certhia familiaris on a tree turnk, almost camofauged on the bark