Amelanchier spicata Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study sheet
Amelanchier spicata Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study sheet
Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study
Dwarf serviceberry sketchbook study with written notes and details of the berries and flowers
Dwarf serviceberry Amelanchier spicata
Dwarf serviceberry Amelanchier spicata flower and berries
Sketch of Pear blossom and leaf Pyrus communis
Sketch of Pear blossom and leaves of Pyrus communis completed in pencil, tonal and line drawing
Sheet of Perry Pear sketches Pyrus communis
Sheet of Perry Pear sketches Pyrus communis completed in pencil
Pencil drawing of Pear and leaves Pyrus communis
Pencil drawing of Pear and leaves Pyrus communis showing two fruit and a few leaves
Pear leaf Pyrus communis
Pear leaf Pyrus communis, tonal study in graphite pencil
Pear fruit Pyrus communis leaves tonal study
Pear fruit Pyrus communis leaves tonal study showing typical growth pattern
Drawing of Pear blossom Pyrus communis
Drawing of Pear blossom Pyrus communis. Pencil line drawing.
Line drawing of Pear blossom Pyrus communis
Line drawing of Pear blossom Pyrus communis showing tip of branch, blossom and leaves
Blossom of Pear Pyrus communis tonal study
Blossom of Pear Pyrus communis tonal study. Graphite sketch.
Tonal study of pear blossom
Tonal study of pear blossom showing flowers and leaves, sketchbook piece.
Three pear blossom flowers
Three pear blossom flowers. Pencil botanical illustration.
Study of Pear leaves and flower Pyrus communis
Study of Pear leaves and flower Pyrus communis, cut to white.
Pear fruit with leaves
Pear fruit with leaves shows one pear and sketched leaves behind. Pencil.
Wild Cherry Blossom Prunus avium
Sprig of blossom of the wild cherry with early emergent leaves
Pear sprig Pyrus communis
Pear sprig with blossom, leaves and fruit Pyrus communis
Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus
Himalayan Blackberry Rubus armeniacus. Sketchbook illustration shows flower, flower cross section, leaf shape and underside, stem, seed, early fruit and seed detail
Medlar Mepsilus germanica
Medlar Mepsilus germanica with edible fruit, and detail of one blossom
Plum Prunus domesticus Pen and ink with colour
Plum Prunus prunus pen and ink illustration with watercolour wash. Showing details of half plum with stone, and white blossom on twig.
Pear Pyrus domestica fruit
Pear Pyrus domestica fruit with leaves on branch
Pear Pyrus domestica tree
Pear Pyrus domestica tree showing typical sideways growth habit
Quince Cydonia oblonga fruit
Quince Cydonia oblonga fruit and half fruit with one leaf
Quince Cydonia oblonga tree
Established quince tree showing growth form and bearing fruit