Eudicot plant variety
Eudicot plant variety. Plants illustrated are: , Ivy-leaved bellflower Wahlenbergia hederacea, Hawkweed Hieracium, Meadow saxifrage Saxifraga granulata, Globe flower Trollius europaeus, Wood Bitter-vetch Vicia orobus, and the Welsh Poppy Meconopsis cambrica.
Meadow saxifrage sketch Saxifraga granulata
Meadow saxifrage sketch Saxifraga granulata with white flowers and basal rosette of rounded leaves.
Eudicot plant variety with eudicot seedling
Eudicot plant variety with eudicot seedling. Plants illustrated are: Ivy-leaved bellflower Wahlenbergia hederacea, Hawkweed Hieracium, Meadow saxifrage Saxifraga granulata, Globe flower Trollius europaeus, Wood Bitter-vetch Vicia orobus, and Welsh Poppy Meconopsis cambrica.
Marsh violet Viola palustris
Flower showing spreading habit, pale lilac flowers and rounded leaves
Frog’s-bit Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
Frog’s-bit Hydrocharis morsus-ranae showing plant with female flowers on the left, and one with male flowers on the right. Illustration shows rhizomes as well as floating orbicular leaves and flowers.
Musk mallow Malva mochata
Musk mallow Malva mochata with detail of lower leaf which is rounder than those higher on the plant
Mallow Malvus sylvestris
Mallow Malvus sylvestris with detail of donut shaped seed ring and lone seed
Marsh marigold Caltha palustris 2
Marsh marigold Caltha palustris with roots and flowers, buds and fruit shown
Marsh marigold Caltha palustris
Marsh marigold Caltha palustris flowers with bud and round leaves