Bittern Botaurus stellaris
Bittern Botaurus stellaris cut to white showing cryptic colouring and large beak and legs
Giant reed Arundo donax
Giant reed Arundo donax showing growth habit and flowering head of spikelets
Three stages of successionin a fen landscape
Three views of fenland with increasignly complex networks of inter dependent species, culminating in a rich landscape with wild flowers, a hobby hunting dragonfly, and heacy with insect life
Watercolour reed bed showing the layers of reeds with trees and shrubs behind and distant hills
Reedbed landscape with cross section of water
Landscape of a reed bed with a cross section of the water in the forground and showing fish and amphibians living in the water, along with a close up of some microscopic aquatic invertebrates; in the sky hobby hunt for dragonfly and damselfly and swallows fly; otter, bittern, and water vole hide in the margins […]