Potato Solanum tuberosum with tubers below soil
Potato Plant in flower with potatoes growing below the soil. Plant has grown from a chitted potato.
Potatoes in sack
Potatoes in sack shows a batch of newly dug potatoes in a hessian sack, with some rolling out.
Potato varieties
Potato varieries and one green potato about to sprout
Potato Solanum tuberosum sketchbook page
Sketchbook study of the Potato showing different varieties, flower colours, the fruit, and how to chit potatoes. With written notes.
Potato Food Products
Potato Food Products: Chips or French fries, sliced, boiled, baked potatoes, potato chips or crisps
Wonky vegetables and fruit
Wonky vegetables and fruit including potatoes, onions, carrots, and apples. Illustration from The Hidden Universe: Adventures in Biodiversity by Alexandre Antonelli
Vegetable crop rotation
Rotation patterns for growing vegetables
Vegetable crop rotation 2
Rotation patterns for growing vegetables
Crop rotation plan
Three different sets of crops to grow on the same site which ensures the variety of vegetables grown won’t suffer pest damage which they could do if planted repeatedly on the same site. Vegetables shown include peas beans chicory and onions, sprouts cauliflower cabbage and broccoli, and celery carrots turnips potato and beetroot