Anopheles gambiae African Malaria mosquito unfed female
Anopheles gambiae African Malaria mosquito unfed female, posing in typical diagonal position

Larva of Anopheles gambiae Malaria mosquito
Larva of Anopheles gambiae Malaria mosquito showing typical position, parallel to the water surface

Pupa of Anopheles mosquito
Pupa of Anopheles mosquito based on Anopheles gambiae at water surface

Feeding African Malaria Mosquito Anopheles gambiae
Feeding African Malaria Mosquito Anopheles gambiae showing stylets as she feeds, and swollen belly with tergites forced apart and excess liquid excreted during feeding

African Malaria Mosquito Life cycle Anopheles gambiae
African Malaria Mosquito Life cycle Anopheles gambiae

Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Oak apple galls formed by Cynips quercusfollii gall wasps on twigs of the English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur

Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur
Knopper gall Andricus quercuscalicis and Oak apple gall Cynips quercusfollii on English Pendunculate or Common Oak Quercus robur

Common British Garden invertebrates
Common British Garden invertebrates including violet ground beetle, silver y moth, earth worm, worm, flesh fly, honey bee, ladybird, and small tortoiseshell butterfly with written annotations on each

Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula entire life cycle
Large red damselfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula life cycle showing all the life stages against a blue wash backround with aquatic plants and pebbles and mud, adult, mating pait, egg laying, egg, larva, exuvia, emergent adult all shown, water lily on water surface

Dragonfly nymph Anisoptera
Dragonfly nymph Anisoptera from above dorsal view cut to white

Two spot Black ladybird Adalia 2-punctata
Two spot Black ladybird Adalia 2-punctata dorsal view, sketch, cut to whtie

Ladybird Coccinella septempuctata
Ladybird Coccinella septempuctata dorsal view showing red wing cases with black spots

Ladybird Coccinella septempuctata 2
Ladybird Coccinella septempuctata dorsal view showing red wing cases with black spots

Sinodendron cylindricum Rhinoceros beetle
Sinodendron cylindricum Rhinoceros beetle showing texture and rough elytra, cut to white, dorsal view

Spotted cucumber beetle Diabrotica undecimpunctata
Spotted cucumber beetle Diabrotica undecimpunctata dorsal view showint bright yellow and black wing cases, cut to white

Stephanorrhina guttata spotted flower beetle
Stephanorrhina guttata spotted flower beetle

Green Tiger Beetle Cicindela campestris
Green Tiger Beetle Cicindela campestris cut to white dorsal view showing green wu=ing cases with white markings and metallic pink legs and ferocious jaws

Violet Ground Beetle Carabus violaceus
Violet Ground Beetle Carabus violaceus detailed dorsal view cut to white

Violet Ground Beetle Carabus violaceus 2
Violet Ground Beetle Carabus violaceus detailed dorsal view cut to white whith metallic purple wing case margins exaggerated

Ladybird Coccinella septempuctata 3
Ladybird Coccinella septempuctata dorsal view showing red wing cases with black spots

Lesser diving beetle Acilius sulcatus
Lesser diving beetle Acilius sulcatus pointing downwards with water weed behind, hind legs outstretched to show how they resemble oars

Screech beetle Hygrobia tarda
Screech beetle Hygrobia tarda dorsal view, floating in the water with a sprig on water weed behind

Rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana
Rosemary beetle Chrysolina americana

Purpuricenus kaehleri beetle
Purpuricenus kaehleri wood boring beetle