Hay Festival Landscape
Hay Festival Landscape completed for Hay Festival Mug design 2022
White Oak Quercus alba with roots
White Oak Quercus alba with schematic and simplified root structure
Wood ants guide cover image
Wood ants guide cover image Cairngorms national park and Southern red wood ants Formica fusca practising trophallaxis
Sand Dunes Landscape
Large landscape showing an idealised view of Bantham estate in Devon. It explains the process of succession and stabilization in a sand dunes landscape. Over 28 species of plant and 17 animals appear in this natural history illustration. These include adders to sand wasps, Comma butterflies to linnets, and marram grass to Sea carrots. Species […]
Pond in a water meadow landscape with plants and animals
Woodstock water meadow view with wildlife pond in foreground; seen with otter, kingfisher, and Peacock butterfly
Hay meadow cross section
Hay meadow cross section showing mole burrow and roots below the soil and flowers, butterflies, and insects above ground
Bee hives flower meadow and honey bees
Landscape of a field of flowers with beehives and honey bee workers
Mountain pansy Viola lutea with landscape
Mountain pansy Viola lutea with a dales landscape behind
Common heather Calluna vulgaris
Common heather Calluna vulgaris with individual leaf, stem cross section, and flwoer detail and also showing the woody stem
Cornish heath Erica vagans
Cornish heath Erica vagans showing dense foliage and individual pale pink flower
Bell heather Erica cinerea
Bell heather Erica cinerea with close up of individual flower
Woodland landscape for best practice management
Snipe flying across a ride clearing in woodland with forestry behind showing how to manage and harvest trees and related prodcuts such as charcoal, coppicing and timber; a distant pool and alder carr gives way to clear fell forestry on distant hills and patchy clearings; in the foreground wild flowers and butterflies are shown growing […]
Wet meadowland scene with butterflies
Distant landscape of hills and fiels with a tree in the midground, in the foreground butterflies such as the ringlet and meadow brown rest on orchids and buttercups
Wetland landscape with water rail and stream cross section
Wetland landscape with a water rail emerging from the fringing vegetation and a cross section of the stream shows fish, aquatic invertebrates, and a blue dragonfly; a frog rests below an orchid and pond skater sit on the water surface
Wetland landscape
Wetland landscape with curlew and pearl bordered fritillary in the foreground on emergent vegetation, behind a flooded area of meadow tails into distant hills, cows and swans graze fields and yellow flag, blackberry and alder fill the foreground.
Welsh river landscape 2
Welsh river landscape looking across a stretch of smooth water to the trees on the opposite bank
Welsh river landscape with boat
View of the river Wye over a still pool with overhanging tree and a little row boat moored by the river bank, distant hills behind
Traditional English village house in Coxwold
View of a traditional little house in the northern village of Coxwold with trees behind and wisteria growing up the front
Three stages of successionin a fen landscape
Three views of fenland with increasignly complex networks of inter dependent species, culminating in a rich landscape with wild flowers, a hobby hunting dragonfly, and heacy with insect life
Stone bridge over the River Evenlode
Traditional stone hump backed bridge with two arches crossing over the river Enelode which runs beneath it, flanked with maringal vegetation and plants
Saltmarsh landscape
Salt marsh landscape showing mud and a cross section of the snails and invertebrates who live here, wading and predatory birds above in the glasswort and aquatic plants; further away from the salt estuary are soft cliffs and the distant sea
River landscape
View of a head water stream with dipper, wagtail, waterfall and damselflies then view of a river with a heron fishing from a shingle bank, sand marten flying low, and dragonfly and beetles at home amongst driftwood; the river meanders on to a wetland meadow delta with grazing herds and established aquatic plant communities flanking […]
Reedbed landscape with cross section of water
Landscape of a reed bed with a cross section of the water in the forground and showing fish and amphibians living in the water, along with a close up of some microscopic aquatic invertebrates; in the sky hobby hunt for dragonfly and damselfly and swallows fly; otter, bittern, and water vole hide in the margins […]
Watercolour reed bed showing the layers of reeds with trees and shrubs behind and distant hills