Coastal Hay Meadow in Devon
Coastal Hay Meadow in Devon (Bentham). Illustration shows idealised grassland scene with insects, birds, and wild flowers one would hope to see in a well managed coastal hay meadow.
Vegetable trug
Vegetable trug showing garden produce and a trowl, including leeks, raddichio, raspberries, radish, potatoes, tomatoes, chives, basil, kale, lettuce, raddichio, fennel, peas, carrots, and beans. A good day in the garden!
Arable landscape showing best management practice
Arable landscape showing how to encourage wildlife in a farming environment, including wild flower margins, skylark plots, leaving stubble, encouraging hedgerows. Species shown include marbled white butterfly, yellow hammer, green plover, lark, collared dove, knapweed, clover, ox eye daisy and blue butterflies behind a gate