Common or Black Knapweed Centaura nigra
Common or Black Knapweed Centaura nigra, showing diverse leaf shape and typical spherical, purple flowering heads.
Leptosporangiate fern variety on dry stone wall with tree ferns
Dry stone wall with Maidenhair spleenwort, Wall rue, and Soft Shield fern growing; all of which are Leptosporangiate ferns. Polypoidy ferns growing on a distant tree behind.
Yellow waterlily Nuphar luteum
Yellow waterlily Nuphar luteum floating on water with developing “brandy bottle” seed flask
Yew Taxus baccata sprig from tree
Yew Taxus baccata sprig from tree showing red berries
Wood rush sketch Luzula sylvatica
Wood rush sketch Luzula sylvatica in flower and seed, showing the distinctive long hairs on the leaves
Wood or Upright Bitter-vetch sketch Vicia orobus
Wood or Upright Bitter-vetch sketch Vicia orobus with pinnate paired leaves and pale mauve flowers.
White waterlily Nymphaea alba
White waterlily Nymphaea alba shown floating on water with lily pads
White & Yellow waterlily Nymphaea alba & Nuphar luteum comparison
White & Yellow waterlily Nymphaea alba & Nuphar luteum comparison, shown in water.
Welsh poppy sketch Meconopsis cambrica
Welsh poppy sketch Meconopsis cambrica showing bud and yellow flower in bloom
Water horsetail Equisetum fluviatile with strobili
Water horsetail Equisetum fluviatile with strobili shown emerging from fresh water.
Sweet vernal grass sketch Anthoxanthum odoratum
Sweet vernal grass sketch Anthoxanthum odoratum showing plant with flowering spike
Stag’s-horn clubmoss Lycopodium clavatum
Stag’s-horn clubmoss Lycopodium clavatum showing horizontal growth pattern and spore bearing cones
Mountain or soft leaved sedge sketch Carex montana
Mountain or soft leaved sedge sketch Carex montana showing the plant in bloom
Moonwort Botrychium lunaria
Moonwort Botrychium lunaria with sporangia, spore producing stems.
Monocot seedling
Monocot seedling showing seed, emergent leaves, and root
Monocot plant variety with seedling
Monocot plant variety with seedling. Plants shown are: Soft-leaved or Mountain sedge Carex montan, Meadow saffron Colchium autumnale, Fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsed, Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Wood rush Luzula sylvatica, and Sweet vernal grass Anthoxanthum odoratum
Monocot plant variety
Monocot plant variety featuring numerous monocots such as rush, grass, bluebell, sedge, and crocus.
Meadow saxifrage sketch Saxifraga granulata
Meadow saxifrage sketch Saxifraga granulata with white flowers and basal rosette of rounded leaves.
Marsh horsetail Equisetum palustre with strobili
Marsh horsetail Equisetum palustre with strobili growing in shallow water or marshland.
Ivy-leaved Bellflower sketch Wahlenbergia hederacea
Ivy-leaved Bellflower sketch Wahlenbergia hederacea showing sprawling habit
Hawkweed sketch Hieracium species
Hawkweed sketch Hieracium showing basal rosette and dandelion-like flowers
Globe flower sketch Trollius europaeus
Globe flower sketch Trollius europaeus showing characteristic closed flower shape.
Fragrant orchid sketch Gymnadenia conopsea
Fragrant orchid sketch Gymnadenia conopsea showing flowers and leaves
Field horsetail Equisetum arvense
Field horsetail Equisetum arvense, with background.