Buttercup Meadow with Bees
Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris with Sleepy carpenter bee Chelostoma florisomne and Red Mason bee Osmia bicornis. Seed packet design for Roselyn Seeds
Field maple Acer campestre sprig
Field maple Acer campestre sprig showing leaves and developing seeds and close up of mature seeds
Field bindweed or Small bindweed Convolvulus arvensis
Pen and ink illustration for title on Poetry anthology
Monocot plant variety with seedling
Monocot plant variety with seedling. Plants shown are: Soft-leaved or Mountain sedge Carex montan, Meadow saffron Colchium autumnale, Fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsed, Bluebell Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Wood rush Luzula sylvatica, and Sweet vernal grass Anthoxanthum odoratum
Monocot plant variety
Monocot plant variety featuring numerous monocots such as rush, grass, bluebell, sedge, and crocus.
Autumn crocus or meadow saffron sketch Colchicum autumnale
Autumn crocus or meadow saffron sketch Colchicum autumnale. From the Brecknockshire Flora; example of a monocot
Hay Festival Landscape
Hay Festival Landscape completed for Hay Festival Mug design 2022
Field Maple Acer campestre pen and ink with wash
Field maple Acer campestre pen and ink illustration with watercolour wash. Illustration shows winged seeds flushed with red, and spread at species specific wide angle.
Waxcap assortment
Waxcap assortment of species in a meadow: Golden, Goblet, Blackening, Crimson, Scarlet, Cedar snowy, Golden spindles, Fibrous, Ballerina, Parrot
Coastal Hay Meadow in Devon
Coastal Hay Meadow in Devon (Bentham). Illustration shows idealised grassland scene with insects, birds, and wild flowers one would hope to see in a well managed coastal hay meadow.
Bank vole Myodes glareolus
Sketchbook study of a dead Bank vole Myodes glareolus, brought in by a cat
Cricket diagram Gryllidae
Cricket diagram Gryllidae watercolour wash over pen and ink stippled illustration
Common blue Polymmatus icarus
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male in field, with background landscape and ladies smock, knapweed, scabious, and buttercups in meadowland
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male 2
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male with wings outstretched and view with wings folded showing white and black spots and orange spots
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male cut to whtie
Red ant Mymrica Rubra
Red ant Mymrica Rubra swift ink sketch with red wash and stippling
Yellow meadow ant Lasius flavus
Yellow meadow ant Lasius flavus carrying an egg across the dirt
Ragged robin Lychnis flos cuculi
Ragged robin Lychnis flos cuculi with flowers, buds and leaves
Meadow cranesbill Geranium pratense
Meadow cranesbill Geranium pratense with bud, seed pods and one beautiful purple blue flower
Few flowered Spike rush Eleocharis quinqueflora
Few flowered Spike rush Eleocharis quinqueflora with stem and individual flower detail; root information included
Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense
Creeping Thistle Cirsium arvense showing basal rosette and several thistle flowers
Common lizard Lacerta vivpara in field
Common lizard Lacerta vivipara in field with grasses buttercup and orchids
Pair of Dexter cattle Bos
Pair of Dexter cattle Bos grazing in a grass meadow
Wet meadow landscape
Wetland chalk meadow with stream running through it, flooded meadow withflowers and wild vegetation on the banks and a willow tree leaning across the stream