Common butter-bur Petasites hybridus
Common butter-bur Petasites hybridus with male flowers inflorescence
Sorrel Rumex acetosa
Sorrel Rumex acetosa pen and ink botanical illustration with detail of individual seed and distinctive leaf shape
Yew Taxus baccata
Yew Taxus baccata sprig and detail of lone berry
Woolly willow Salix lanata
Woolly willow Salix lanata sprig with catkins and small image of the tree shape
Wood sedge Carex sylvatica
Wood sedge Carex sylvatica with fruit, female glume, and ligule details
Willow Salix
Willow Salix sprig with catkin
White campion Silene latifolia
White campion Silene latifolia with hairy leaves
True fox sedge Carex vulpina
True fox sedge Carex vulpina tussock
Star sedge Carex echinata
Star sedge Carex echinata plant with two stigmas, ligule, fruit, female glume and leaf tip
Stiff sedge Carex biglowii
Stiff sedge Carex biglowii with rhizome and vegetative tufts, two stigmasm ligule, fruit and glume
Sheeps sorrel Rumex acetosella
Sheeps sorrel Rumex acetosella whole plant with flowers
Remote sedge Carex remota
Remote sedge Carex remota plant with ligule and glume and fruit detail
Red campion Silene dioica
Red campion Silene dioica with buds and hairy stem
Pendulous sedge Carex pendulosa
Pendulous sedge Carex pendulosa with ligule, stigmas, and fruit
Mountain everlasting flower Antennaria dioica
Mountain everlasting flower Antennaria dioica with flowers growing from a basal rosette and a second basal rosette growing from the main plant by adventitious growth
Common haircap moss Polytrichum commune
Common haircap moss Polytrichum commune tuft of moss with detail of wet and dry moss fascicle, individual leaf, immatire capsule with calyptra and a wet mature spore capsule held horizontally
Marsh valerian Valeriana dioica
Marsh valerian Valeriana dioica showing different leaf shapes and rooting nodes along with flowers
Long stalked yellow sedge Carex lepidocarpa
Long stalked yellow sedge Carex lepidocarpa with flower and fruit and individual details of two stigma, ligule, fruit, and glume
Lawson’s Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Lawson’s Cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana pen and ink drawing of a mature tree
Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum
Hares tail Cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum with cross section of stem and lead along with several flowering spikes details
Grey willow Salix cinerea
Grey willow Salix cinerea with make and female catkins along with a spray of leaves, one showing its underside
Greater tussock sedge Carex paniculata
Greater tussock sedge Carex paniculata individual platn and large tussock of the plant along with ligule, stem cross section and glume detail. In flower
Great fen sedge Cladium mariscum
Great fen sedge Cladium mariscum plant, fruit, flowers, rhizome and roots, and details of the spikelet, stem, fruit and detail of the folded leaf
Glaucous sedge Carexflacca
Glaucous sedge Carex flacca with rhizome growth and details of three stigmas, ligule, fruit and glume