Coral Reef scene in the Red Sea
Red sea coral reef scene showing clown fish, sea urchins, star puffer fish, brain coral, squirrel fish, sea anenome, and lettuce coral
Carribean Reef Octopus Octopus briareus – colour
Illustration of the Carribean reef octopus which shows cryptic colouration. Illustration from the cover of “30 animals that made us smarter” by Partick Aryee. Illustration cannot be re-used in any other book titles.
Carribean Reef Octopus Octopus briareus
Illustration of the Carribean reef octopus which shows cryptic colouration. Illustration from the cover of “30 animals that made us smarter” by Partick Aryee. Illustration cannot be re-used in any other book titles.
Brain coral and Staghorn coral
Brain coral Diploria labyrinthiformis Staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis illustration from A Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough
Coral cross section
Coral cross section pen and ink monochrome illustration including a scene of a coral reef with a detailed close up of the internal organs of a typical coral polyp