Pansy Viola tricolor sketchbook study
Pansy Viola tricolor sketchbook study with a focus on the flower colours
Planting a vegetable garden in a container
Brownstone house with back yard full of a diverse array of containers all of which are growing different edible food crops from herbs to fruit thorugh salads and vegetables.
Vegetable garden with taller plants at the back
Vegetable garden in a raised bed showing taller crop plants behind the shorter ones in the front including beans, borage, chives, and salad crops
Staked tree in a pot
Standard tree with supporting stake in a large flower pot container
Refreshing compost in a plant pot
Getting rid of old compost and replacing it with fresh new and organically rich compost to feed and nurture pot plants and container plants
Re potting a shrub
Removing a shrub from a pot which is too small for it and planting it out in a larger container safely
Pot in a plant pot
Using a second plant pot to provide drainage and support for a pot plant
Bulb layer planting in a pot
How to layer bulbs of different sizes which grow at different depths in a pot
Cross support in flower pot
Diagram showing how a cross support in a flower can can be used to keep a vertical support upright and so help keep the plant upright
Trough of ferns
Stone trough planted with a variety of ferns as a garden feature, cut to white
Lily of the Valley
Lily of the valley growing in a large old terra cotta flower pot
Pruning bamboo
Garden with plastic sheet on the grass catching the bamboo cuttings which are being taken off the potted plants with secateurs. Dead leaves piled up and blue sky behind