Welsh meadow landscape with Redstart
Welsh meadow landscape with Redstart, buzzard, swallows and lots of butterflies (Gilfach Nature reserve). Numerous animal species illustrated include swallows, hoverfly, grasshopper, and bees. Flowers include knapweed, thistles, buttercup, bedstraws, betony, sedges, and other riverside meadow plants.
Birds foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus
Birds foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus with seed pod and individual flower and calyx
Common blue Polymmatus icarus
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male in field, with background landscape and ladies smock, knapweed, scabious, and buttercups in meadowland
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male cut to whtie
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male 2
Common blue Polymmatus icarus male with wings outstretched and view with wings folded showing white and black spots and orange spots
Limestone cliffs at Malham cove with birds
Landscape with Malham tarn in the background and wild flower meadow in front; stream with grey wagtail, green woodpeckers, peregrine falcon, and kestrel in the sky
Meadow with butterflies
Landscape showing distant valley with meadow land near to, wild flowers in the foreground include birds foot trefoil, harebell, tormentil, black knapweed and grasses; male and female blue butterflies rest and flutter around these flowers
Arable landscape showing best management practice
Arable landscape showing how to encourage wildlife in a farming environment, including wild flower margins, skylark plots, leaving stubble, encouraging hedgerows. Species shown include marbled white butterfly, yellow hammer, green plover, lark, collared dove, knapweed, clover, ox eye daisy and blue butterflies behind a gate