Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa
Greater Knapweed Centaurea scabiosa with details of one modified disc floret and a bract, showing the distinctive brown margin, and hairs.
Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca
Male Pied flycatcher in amongst leaves of the English oak Quercus robur
Carbon cycle based around a tree, fully annotated
Illustration showing annotated carbon cycle including images of leaf litter detritovores, soil micro-organisms, root tips, and the importance of respiration and photosynthesis For more on this illustration, check out my blog
Carbon cycle centred around a tree
Illustration of the Carbon cycle, with all the elements and chemicals involved in the cycle (but omitting arrows and english text). For more on this illustration, check out my blog
Carbon cycle: Beech tree with roots, leaf litter, and fungal hyphae
Used as the basis for a diagram showing the Carbon cycle. For more on this illustration, check out my blog
Root Tip Diagram
Root Tip Diagram showing root cap cells and root hairs for absorption and surrounding soil particles
Soil microorganisms
Soil microorganisms virus algae bacteria fungus nematode illustrated in a colourful idealised way
Monocot seedling
Monocot seedling showing seed, emergent leaves, and root
Eudicot seedling
Eudicot seedling showing paired cotyledon leaves, seed, and root.
Eudicot and monocot seedling comparison
Eudicot and monocot seedling comparison showing cotyledon leaves on the eudicot and furled parallel-veined leaves of the monocot.
Chloroplast diagram
Chloroplast diagram showing a simplified inside view of a chloroplast
DNA showing unravelling strands
DNA showing unravelling strands. Pen and ink diagram.
Animal cell
Animal cell which is dissected to show key organelles and the nucleus. Pen and ink diagram. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books)
Dissecting microscope diagram
Dissecting microscope diagram. Pen and ink line drawing. Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books)
Compound microscope illustration
Compound microscope illustration. Line diagram Illustration from “30 Animals that made us smarter” by Patrick Ayree (BBC Books)
Bird’s foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus 2
Bird’s foot trefoil Lotus corniculatus with seed pod and individual flower and calyx
Turkey tail fungus Trametes versicolor
Turkey tail fungus Trametes versicolor botanical illustration
Tupelo Nyssa ogeche
Tupelo Nyssa ogeche with single flower botanical illustration
Wood sorrel Oxalis acetosela pen and ink
Wood sorrel Oxalis acetosela pen and ink illustration
Wood sage Teucrium scorodonia
Wood sage Teucrium scorodonia botanical illustration
Wintercress Barbarea vulgaris
Wintercress pen and ink line drawing with detail of an individual flower
Winter purslane Claytonia perfoliata
Winter purslane Claytonia perfoliata pen and ink illustration
Wild marjoram Origanum vulgare
Wild marjoram Origanum vulgare pen and ink botanical illustration
Shaggy Ink cap Coprinus comatus pen and ink
Shaggy Ink cap Coprinus comatus pen and ink botanical illustration