Garden lupin Lupinus regalis habit
Garden lupin Lupinus regalis habit showing a red and yellow variety
Blue bonnet Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus sketchbook study
Blue bonnet Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus sketchbook study page. Includes information on habit, cross section of flower, seed pods, and leaf venation.
Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus habit
Lupin Lupinus polyphyllus habit drawing showing palmate leaves and flower spikes
Japanese rose Rosa rugosa
Japanese rose Rosa rugosa showing magenta petals, bright green foliage and large red rosehips
Passion flower Passiflora sketchbook study
Passion flower Passiflora sketchbook study with illustrations of the flowers and fruit
Dog rose Rosa canina Sketchbook study
Dog rose Rosa canina Sketchbook study with details of rosehips and flowers
Diatom group showing diverse shapes and colours of these organisms
Comma butterfly Polygonia c-album
Comma butterfly Polygonia c-album from above and from side cut to white
Peacock butterfly Aglais io
Peacock butterfly Aglais io cut to white
Peacock butterfly Aglais io lifecycle
Peacock butterfly Aglais io lifecycle with host plant nettle Urtica dioica
Purpuricenus kaehleri beetle
Purpuricenus kaehleri wood boring beetle
Wood Melick Melica uniflora
Wood Melick Melica uniflora plant with ligule, lemma, and spikelet details
White waterlily Nymphaea alba
White waterlily Nymphaea alba flower against a darker floating lily leaf, pencil
Violet Viola riviniana
Violet Viola riviniana plant
Teasing Georgia Rose
Teasing Georgia Rose, cream flower with buds and fully flowering bloom
Pheasants eye Adonis annua
Pheasants eye Adonis annua with pinnate leaves and red flowers
Passion flower Passiflora
Passion flower Passiflora with tendrils and leaves and bud
Meadow with wild flowers and insects
Meadow with wild flowers and insects and lark in the sky above, showing fertilized grassland without any other species then a gradual increase in flowers and other species until, in unimproved grassland, you have lots of wild flowers and associated insects, snails, and loveliness
Lichen Usnea subfloridana
Lichen Usnea subfloridana growing on a twig
Flowering rush Butomus umbellatus
Flowering rush Butomus umbellatus pencil drawing
Dog Rose Rosa canina 2
Dog Rose Rosa canina quick sketch of flower and bud
Dog Rose Rosa canina
Dog Rose Rosa canina with rose hip and two flowers as well as leaflets and thorned stem
Pond in a halfbarrel
Half a barrel adapted to be a pond with water and flowering pond plants in including arrowroot, flowering rush, and spearwort
Welsh river landscape with boat
View of the river Wye over a still pool with overhanging tree and a little row boat moored by the river bank, distant hills behind